Saturday, June 28, 2014

[Personal Post #3] Dear Sister, You Are Possible

Dear Sister, as you are aware, I am a far better writer than speaker. So this will be my words to you on the eve of your graduation. I have a feeling of happiness mixed with apprehension. I am so incredibly proud of you, but I am stuck worrying how I will live without you after having you at my side for eighteen years. 

You worked so incredibly hard to be where you are now. There hasn't been a moment where you decided you weren't good enough to succeed. You succeeded all because of you. Of your work ethic, your tenacity, your blatant bravery. It was, in a poetic sense, a slap in the face to all who doubted you. A ferocious one at that. 

I simply want to tell you that you, yes you, are possible. 

I know you may be feeling a sense of doubt. You must be nervous. There is a whole world out there waiting for you! I want to tell you that it is okay to be nervous. It is okay to be scared. It is okay to feel that sense of doubt.

You are possible. 

I have seen you grow from infant to an incredible young adult with a good head on her shoulders and a sense of direction any "proper" adult would be envious of. Another has seen you grown. And I know you must miss him even more than you normally do.

That's okay, too. 

Missing someone to our core is the essence of love. I cannot speak the words he would speak to you today, or tomorrow, even the next day. What I can say is that our brother adored you and believed in you so fully. He would be, and is, so incredibly proud of his baby. I won't ever be half the older sibling he was to you, but know that I am so incredibly proud, too.

You managed to complete a year of schooling on top of a full time job when many of us fell apart. You may have fallen apart too, but it never stopped you. You kept fighting. I have no words to properly depict how you managed this year. A full time job, full time schooling, a massive loss, massive health scares. You threw that anxiety right back into the face of life, and carried on. 

You are more than possible. 

I will miss you terribly when it is time for you to go. I will miss our time together. I will miss you, my best friend. But I know you will be getting out there and experiencing so much. Learning so much and taking in knowledge to apply to your life that I could never give you. 

You aren't just possible, you are. A possibility is a perhaps. You are, my sister, far more than a perhaps. You are a security on this growing extension of yourself and your mind. I do not doubt for a moment that you will take advantage of this change in your life and again prove all doubters wrong, and sometimes prove yourself wrong. Because sometimes we think we are less than, and that's okay too. Take it from someone who doubts themselves daily. Proving yourself wrong is one of the greatest feelings. 

You will be brilliant in all you do. And tomorrow, when I see you walk that stage to take your diploma, my heart will burst with pride. I will be flooded with affections for you. I will remember helping our mom teaching you how to walk and apply it to how far you have gone, and how much further you will go. 

All because you are you. 

Congratulations, my baby sister. May the world, as confusing and scary as it can be, take you in and remind you that your worth is much greater than you will ever believe, and that you will be a change to this world that is so greatly needed.

Know we all love you. 

Congratulations. You made it. You survived. 

- Spencer

1 comment:

  1. She is amazing...and she did it for Peter and YOU!!! She always wants to make us all proud. We couldn't possibly be more PROUD of her. She is, as you are an incredible, amazing, intelligent, hard working young woman!!!
