Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In-Between Introduction

 Ever since I was a teenager, I have attempted making blogs. Needless to say, I ended up with several one post blogs with horrid names and equally terrible content. I like to think, as I have aged much since then, that this blog will be something I truly work towards perfecting and sometimes stressing over. This is my new baby. I must attempt to be gentle here. 

 Now, onto the background + idea about this blog. I wanted to look past the shades of black and white (as it is often what we see most in our thinking) and focus on the gray. Why the gray? Gray is the in between. Gray is the obscurity, the comfort, the new, the untouched. Gray is sometimes the feared, the intense. But all around, gray is fascinating. I want to create a platform where I can not only speak about certain topics, but create a space where all of us in-betweens can find a very safe common ground. 

 I want to produce content on daily living, conduct interviews with members of numerous communities and walks of life, while also criticizing content aimed towards us in-betweeners (book reviews, movie reviews, etc).

 I know taking this on will not be an easy task. I have difficulty remembering where I put my mug of coffee down or if I checked the mail or even turned off the oven. But I want to grow here. And I want you to grow with me.  This will be a process requiring patience and time and all the care I can give. I hope you will join me on this journey, and that we can all share a laugh, a glare, and moments of peace together. 

Welcome, and please do enjoy your stay.

- Spencer

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